Friday, November 22, 2013

"Gettysburg Address"

Nick and Katie

Eleven score and seventeen years ago, our forefathers were bullied by the British Empire. Did we stand for this abuse? No, we fought back. We asserted our rights. We asserted that all men are created equal, and that they all should have the liberty to do as they want without the persecution of others.

Now, antibullying campaigns dominate our schools with assemblies called throughout the school year to bring awareness to this issue.  Posters hang on the walls with announcements about antibullying messages trying to raise awareness about this very important issue.

And yet, in spite of this, bullying continues to be out of control in our schools. Teen suicide, many due to bullying, is the third highest cause of death among teenagers. This has to end.

            Much of the groundwork to solve this problem has already been laid down, so that we may walk down that path and finally put an end to this problem that has plagued us for so long. We just have to take the appropriate measures, which no one seems willing to take. And thus, we undue the earlier work that has been done. We are ruining the dream of those who came before us.

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